i think i can, i think i can, i think i can...
today was the last day of classes - as dr. neil randall of my 309C rhetorical criticism class said after a number of us graduating students raised our hands, "'tis a sad, sad day."
yes, 'twas a bittersweet goodbye, indeed.
... but i think i'll get over it :o)
one final down.
one paper and two more finals to go.
bring it on...
don't worry...as long as you remember that you can analyze and "find something significant even in a box of shreddies" (randall) you'll be okay ;)
good luck with the essay and the exams!
see ya on monday for more rhetorically criticizing fun...
10:58 PM
You can't forget Randall's oh-so-brilliant parting words:
"If you listen to bands, wear ear plugs."
Followed by some grotesque reference to wax shooting out of ears o_0
What a strange man. Charming. but strange.
1:11 AM
oi. i just finished watching the movie. It's 2AM, and I'm thinking... "what the heck was everyone ranting about"? The movie is not for 20-somewhat-year-olds. I think we need to be 35-year-old men (perhaps once divorced) to appreciate it. I didn't understand it. I suppose the only thing I did really appreciate was the wine/grape analogy. But, really I didn't havta stay up this late. haha.
as for you! i thought you were done with the late-nighters!!! hehe... *nuh-uh*... 'tis a perpetual thing, my dear. dangnabit though... hurry this up and let's hang out for goshers sake!
2:24 AM
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