embrace the mystery.

Friday, January 21, 2005

picture day

the last time i remember having to get all spruced up for picture day would probably be sometime in high school for my oac/grad photos. 5 years later, now so very close to the end of my undergrad journey, i'm going through some sort of twisted deja vu - not by choice, but by mom's choice :oP

while the photographer-dude did his thing, i couldn't help but think back through memories of yearbook photos where i either looked like a chipmunk or a hamster, all due to the photographer telling me to "smile with my teeth" - as i waited with mandy in line to take our photos, i told her that i absolutely refused to resemble any type of critter in my grad photos this time around, simply because these may be the last ones i'll ever have to take in my entire academic life (unless of course, i take the huge leap into "masters-dom", but that life-decision has still yet to be decided at this point in time).

although the whole process of taking these pictures reminded me of high school, it was a far cry from feeling like high school... which i think for me was definitely something i was thankful for - fortunately this time it was teenage/friend/boyfriend drama-free and stress-free. and instead of feeling the dread of growing up and having to redefine myself in university, it was refreshing to actually feel more defined and established in front of that camera today - i felt more of a calm acceptance that i have grown up and have still managed to maintain my sense of identity through the whole 5-year adventure. and to me, that's quite an accomplishment on its own. of course, i couldn't help but feel a little odd to have that cap and gown on, our faculty colours vibrantly screaming against the black of my gown. for a brief moment, i actually felt a smidgen of pride to have that sickly green colour sitting on my shoulders (why green?!). hard to believe that in a few months time, these pictures will come to really mean something - assuming of course, i get through this last term alive :oP

"mommy wow! i'm a big kid now!" :oD


Blogger Mandy Lam said...

Thanks for taking a pic with me Estelle! :) It was a great feeling... putting on that gown... (btw..if we don't like how we turned out, let's do it again!)

7:20 PM

Blogger mamastella said...

lol. deal!

1:52 PM


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