intense research:
I started blogging in November 2000 and quickly developed blogorrhea, a condition that can be cured only by more of the disease, and the imposition of a kind of external discipline on a writer that depends on the growth of actual readers of one's blog.
[Blogorrhea: a tendency for creativity-strapped bloggers to write meaningless prose in an attempt to keep their blog active.]
-- from We've Got Blog: How Weblogs are Changing Our Culture
hmm. if diarrhea can give you "the runs", can blogorrhea give you "the blogs?"
ba-dump-dump ching! :oP
okay, before you start groaning (ie: ERIN DWYER), gimme a break here. it's been a while since i've made any joke with references to poo. at least allow me to have this moment! :oP
2:48 AM
Just this moment, right? How long is a moment? How long in between this moment and the next moment that you decide to once again resurrect the jokes about defecation?
And does it still count as giving you a break if I've already groaned?
2:53 AM
erin, i mean this with all my heart and soul, in the most friendliest way possible, just because i love you THAT much...
you're a poo :o)
that's right. you heard (err. read?) me. and no, it doens't count because i commented BEFORE you... hmph.
don't be messin' with the essence of the poo!
erin? i'm sleepy :o(
3:08 AM
... and when i write doens't i meant DOESN'T! :oP
3:09 AM
Oh darling sweet estelle.....with a POTTY MOUTH!!!!! Really. you should try and be a *bit* more civilised. I mean, what would your mother think???
and in light of recent spelling errors, I'd really put that spellchecker to use before you hand in any of those essays.....
I really am a poo! :) lol
Want Red Bull? I've got another can.....I hear it's supposed to work wonders....
3:14 AM
whatever. spellcheck? pffft. i'm a rebel without a cause... and without a dictionary for that matter.
haha - oh man, the jokes keep getting lamer and lamer...
i don't know what's more lame - my jokes, or the fact that we're using all this comment space to talk to each other when our rooms are just diagonally across from each other... being in the same apartment, and all :o)
red bull? no thank you. i've already seen myself under the influence of one large hot apple cider. who knows what could happen after one sip of red bull... :oP
and erin? DO YOUR ESSAY!
3:24 AM
yes....and what's better is that we still msn eachother in between blog-posts! we're But I'm okay with that....
what I'm not okay with, is this stupid essay! I hate it and I don't want to write it! and that's with OR without stupid spellcheck!!!!!!
I also should be studying for a quiz that I have at
I think I'd like to see you hopped up on RedBull.....that would be funny and bring me endless amusement.....Please drink? >:)
3:28 AM
tsk tsk, erin. such a bad influence on me, really. especially at 3:31am, when my vulnerability is almost at its peak.
... so much for my goal for sleeping at 5am, eh?
hmm. so in conclusion, from the above evidence, i assume it's safe to say that we are both a couple of wacky poos? ;o)
3:34 AM
wacky poos? wow estelle....I can see why you're an english major. *whew* that's heavy stuff.
And you know very well that I'm a completely horrible influence on you! who else could convince you to skip so many classes? >:)
Yea....sleep's not looking good for you right now....we're crossing over from not probable to not possible. haha!.....I mean, poor estelle!....right....
3:38 AM
HA! i knew it. my grade-4 vocabulary is just too much for you to handle. it's okay, erin. don't hate the player - hate the game. hehe!
and excuse me... i do not SKIP classes, unlike SOME people *ahem*erin*ahem*
ya know, funny enough that at first glance, i thought "probable" read "PORTABLE"... which then got me thinking about port-a-potties.
... err. yeah.
3:44 AM
estelle, your mind is eternally gutter....or rather *toilet* bound. I mean, making a connection between probable and toilets? Who does that??
*sigh* you estelle. only you.
I'm almost finished my second can of RedBull and I think it's starting to get to me :) I finally found something that can affect me! Caffeine just doesn't cut it.
And honey, don't act all innocent, I've corrupted you enough that now even *you* skip the odd class! I spread the highly contagious class-skipping virus wherever I go. hahahahahahahaha!!!! (that was supposed to be an evil, demonic didn't exaactly work out)
3:50 AM
um. i'm proud of you? :oP
and duh! evil, demonic laughs don't work as well when ya type them out. yeesh.
get it? got it?
... exaactly.
guess your spellcheck managed to dip its head in a little redbull too, eh?
erin, okay. we need to put a stop to this insanity. i have a little less than 500 words left to go?
... where are YOU at, missy?
3:57 AM
okay. this is most certainly the absolute, definitive, without exception last post of this night.....morning...whatever!!!
That is, unless you post again, and then I'll be forced to's all an endless, vicious circle....*sigh*
and my spellchecker is permanently turned off. I don't need it constantly correcting me when I usually make up my own words! lol
And sure, you only have 500 words left.....but don't you have another essay to do? with a completely new word-count? I think you just might.....
go write!!! (that was done in my grover meets gollum meets yoda voice......just so you know....)
4:05 AM
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