embrace the mystery.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

boo dentists...

while waiting for my brother at the dentist, i decided to amuse myself by going to the nearby dollerama and grabbed myself a caramilk bar. well aware of the fact that i just had my teeth poked, prodded, and scraped clean by my dentist, i decided to give into my tastebuds' cravings anyway.

there i was, standing in front of the dentist's office, suddenly hesitant about bringing that darned chocolate bar into the room. i actually felt guilty eating it in front of all those people. why? because at the dentist, eating a chocolate bar should be the last thing you should be doing... and aside from that, a part of me was afraid to look those hygenists in the eye while stuffing my face with sugar. just the thought of their frowning faces made me cringe. yeeesh.

so i remained outside, quite a distance from the office, sitting on a mall bench - just me and my caramilk - and waited until i completely finished it before going back into that office, wiping my mouth clean of any chocolatey evidence.

when i told my brother my story, he just laughed and told me i was a dork.

later at a gas station, he pulls out a crunch bar, looks at me, shrugs, and devours the entire thing in a matter of seconds.

it's refreshing to know that my brother is just as dork-like as i am. :oP


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