fabulous friday
the sun held out for most of the day, which was quite wonderful. and despite the fact that it's currently pouring outside my bedroom window, it hasn't succeeded in dampening my joyful mood. :o)
just for ol' time's sake:
let the exploiting begin ;o) [montreal, july 2004]
this morning found me once again driving down bathurst and eventually into cristina's driveway, where moonkie the wonder pug greeted me with heartfelt snorts and grunts on the front steps. after a couple of hours spent over vietnamese vermacelli and a whole lotta brother bashing, cristina and i decided to trek over to our usual hotspot, starbucks (on the corner plaza of bathurst and sheppard), in hopes that we would find mr. oh-so-hot-in-a-geekish-way prefix boy. lo and behold, right when we entered through the glass doors, there he was sitting by himself at a table to our right, typing away, his eyes glued to his laptop, engrossed by the words on the tiny screen. initially i had my doubts that it was really him, until he pulled out the same infamous red hilroy notebook he had during our first encounter.
cris: "i think he's a writer."
me: "i think he's really hot."
after conveniently finding a table right in front of him, we couldn't help but pass not-as-subtle-as-we-would-have-liked glances in his direction. unfortunately, being the geeks that cris and i were (social awkwardness and all), we couldn't muster up the courage to even ask him what his name was. but hopefully that'll change if/when cris decides to go through with her dare *ahem* :oP (cris, i'm expecting a full report on this! haha!)
and on nostalgic terms, today brought me back to the days of seventh and eighth grade. just the sudden swept-away feeling of being childishly excited over a boy was amusing to experience all over again, even though it was only for a few minutes. hmm. perhaps he has a twin? cris, that can be your *next* question :oD
after a long traffic-filled drive back to the 'saugs to pick up the brother from work, i decided to take a slight detour instead and make my way to the library. i came out with Helen Fielding's Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason and a Teach Yourself Colloquial Vietnamese lesson kit, complete with cassette and language book. methinks there will definitely be many interesting times ahead. :o)
7pm rolls around, and i'm at church for our weekly youth group meeting. always good times with the hfbc peeps ;oP
11pm, and my brother and i come home to find our baby nephew/godson and neice from michigan over for a surprise weekend visit (with their parents of course :oP) - it's crazy how much they've grown in just a matter of a few months. it's only been about seven months since i've seen them, and all of a sudden nathan's talking now, and alexa can walk - to think i've missed so much while i was gone. it's almost surreal, really. wowsers. but i'm definitely looking forward to spending some quality time this weekend with these kids and being completely distracted by their utter cuteness, babytalk, and crazy toddler antics!
all in all, i can contentedly say that this week has done me nothing but good - romping around the 'saugs, catching up with oodles of fantastic people and movies, eating (hoarding?) good amounts of home-cooked goodness, getting well-acquainted with our brand new treadmill and back into the habit of working out; and just finally having some serious downtime to myself, without any complications of any drama-related anything. i'm all smiles :o)
... and to think this weekend's just getting started! :oD
well said. and of course you had to do some exploiting, but all in good humour, i suppose. who'da thought that we'd really bump into that guy. hehe. I went to TWO starbucks today, and avoided that one ... hehe. ^___^ i shall do the dare some day... give me time, give me time. hehehe
2:03 AM
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