embrace the mystery.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

a lesson in spanglish

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"Worrying about your kids is sanity, and being that sane... can drive you nuts."

-- John Clasky from Spanglish


tess and i decided to make tonight a pseudo-last-minute sleepover. and on the agenda was a viewing of Spanglish. we really didn't know what to expect, especially with adam sandler in a much more serious and domestic role, but we were far from disappointed with our selection. :o)

i think that this film did a fabulous job in capturing the the very essence of what it means to be eccentric... in every sense of the word. i absolutely loved it! :o)

quite the wonderful movie with just the right amount of comical and dramatic value, surprisingly without the typical "feel-good" clichés (which was definitely a nice touch!). word of caution, however - there's a pretty good chance that this movie may leave you feeling rather hungry (mmm... all that food!) :o)

note to self: add "master chef" to the criteria of ideal boyfriend/husband :oP


Blogger mamastella said...

hehe - it was indeed more fantabulous the second time around :oP

10:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've heard that "Spanglish" is absolute TRASH, practically incomprehensible.

I think I trust your movie taste, tho. Us english geeks gotta stick together.

6:51 PM

Blogger Mandy Lam said...

I don't know, Stella.. I saw Spanglish and I didn't like it too much. I'm not sure how I felt about the "romance" in the movie.. :)

12:53 PM


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