embrace the mystery.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

pomp and circumstance.

well, i've finally gradumacated. *excessive cartwheels*

and i've decided to start a new blog... again.

for the fifth time in a row. ;o)

i know, i know... :oP

Thursday, June 09, 2005

here's to a real fun guy...

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may the crit-force be with you, jonny-o! we're sure gonna miss your "fungi" quirkiness around here! those korean kids won't know what hit 'em! :o)

and so, after getting lost not once, not twice, but thrice while driving through the crazy and traffic-filled streets of downtown toronto in what seemed to be a pseudo-desperate search for cristina and jon; i finally caught up with them somewhere behind honest ed's by bloor and bathurst. and though my horrible skills to properly follow directions only allowed me half an hour with 3/4 of the crit-kid crew; seeing their shiny, happy faces dripping with sweat from the searing heat was definitely worth all the blood, sweat, and tears that were shed. :o) and as always, 'twas a joy to meet with them.

... dang, that roti looked really good. :oP

and speaking of people travelling to far off lands, aside from my month-long fun and frolic in the philippines this coming july, somehow i managed to score an interview for a full year teaching position in japan starting january 2006. all my references are ready to impress, and the resume is undergoing some serious fine tuning. if all goes well, then japan, watch out! :oP

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

better reception?

for the past few weeks now, every monday i've been attending a sunday school teacher workshop seminar with some other churches around the GTA. and what seems to be an occasional problem is someone's cell phone always going off (usually on max volume) in the middle of the seminar-portion of the night.

so, yesterday night, as i sat quietly and listened to the speaker, as expected, someone's cell phone went off... again. this time, to the tune of "pass the dutchie". and as usual, everyone turned their heads to see who that cell phone belonged to. when i turned my head, i could see that it was a lady sitting at the table next to me. but instead of turning it off, she bothered to answer it, quickly noticing that she couldn't get good reception where she was sitting, which then caused her to fling her cell phone in all directions; which of course, happened to draw more more attention to her. i turned away for a minute to look at my notes, but when i looked back to see where the lady was, she was no longer in her chair.

... i looked down onto the floor, and surprisingly saw two feet peeking out from under the table cloth. apparently she had found better under the table.

yeeesh. i don't get it :oP

Sunday, June 05, 2005

after one too many times of hearing the same people say the same things...

current mood:


"sticks and stones may break my bones"
but words can actually cause a crap load of damage to one's self-esteem.

and here i was thinking that things would somewhat change over the years.

but i still hear the same things;
i still cry the same tears.

and once all the noise finally subsides,
even at 24, i still find myself as vulnerable as i was when i was a child.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

atlantic pictures [part II]

... and now, some pictures from newfoundland.

me and erin's puppies, appropriately named indie (as in indiana jones) and scout (inspired by To Kill A Mockingbird)

erin's backyard: the atlantic ocean :oP

... man, i wish my backyard was the atlantic ocean ;o)

erin nicely posing (and secretly mocking me because her backyard is the atlantic ocean) :o)

... did i mention that erin's backyard is the atlantic ocean? lol.

mmmm... look at that tail!

erin's church in port au port (which happens to be the tallest wooden structure in all of newfoundland... erin, correct me if i'm wrong please :oP)

...and finally, inside the church - quite gorgeous if you ask me. :o)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

to migrate or not to migrate

recently, a fair amount of my friends have been migrating from their spaces in blogger or livejournal to msn spaces... so i decided to check it out, and make a test-space of my own. i must say, i'm quite amused by all the pretty colours and selection of templates thus far... of course, if i do decide to conform and move over to msn spaces, that would mean i would be starting my 5th blog. lol. oy.

my space

hmm. lemme know what y'all think. should i bother making the move?

happy june!

current mood:

"I'm psyched!"

-- Carter Duryea from In Good Company

the guy didn't get the girl, but in the end he still managed to somehow find himself on a beach somewhere, jogging barefoot in the sand, and into the sunset...

just proves to show that life, even with its overwhelming twists and turns eventually works itself out in the end. not that i'm about to start relating all the events in my life to a topher grace movie (though i must admit, he displays quite the loveable geeky-hottness i admire), but watching this movie surprisingly gave me some peace of mind knowing that life is just plain quirky at times, and that it's actually okay for plan B to exist more so in theory than reality :o)