embrace the mystery.

Monday, May 02, 2005

april showers bring may... showers?!

seems like may started off with a couple of rainy spots, but i welcome the new month with a genuine grin on my face and thankful that i can finally spare at least a few minutes to blog a li'l sump'in sump'in down.

the past week i've spent constantly moving - from retiring my keys to 134 columbia and finally moving my shtuff out of waterloo, to seeing a series of amazing concerts and musicals with some wonderful people (including an Evita date with tess at the Princess of Wales Theatre in toronto, which was fantabulous even with the abrupt and sligtly mediocre ending); to accidentally and unexpectedly bumping into snoop dogg at much music (yes, seriously!), to going on coffee dates with even more wonderful people, to directing church camp meetings and thinking of creative ways to inspire the world to attend, to preparing and celebrating my parents' 25th anniversary with over 100 relatives and family friends from far and wide; it was non-stop running/driving/jumping around the GTA. i think the only time i was "inactive" was when i caught a pesky head cold from my immune system not wanting to co-operate with the odd changes in weather. but after a few sips of ginger tea, a few boxes of kleenex, and several (read: a crap load of) movie rentals, i was right back on my feet again to carry on with the busy-ness that had somehow managed to entirely consume my life in these past few days.

and now, as my behind exhaustedly makes contact with the cushion-y goodness of my desk chair, i can say with all honesty that i'm quite pooped - but i'm happy to say that it's a pleasant kind of pooped. :oP whew!

ya know, i was planning on writing something insightfully sound, but i think i may have used up most (if not all) of my insight somewhere in the midst of all the whirlwind-like craziness of the past week or so.

but what i can say at this particular moment is this: i have the most amazing parents in the entire world, and i love 'em to bits and bits and bits :ox

oh, and thank goodness for photo cds :o)

if i can't be insightful with words, i might as well try being insightful through a little visual stimulation :oP

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me and the very talented graham colton after the kelly clarkson concert

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me and drew nichols (guitarist from the graham colton band)

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me and the brother showing some sibling affection

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... with the addition of the cousin ;oP (can you say colgate smile?)

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me and tess after watching Evita

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the hfbc youth group after one too many bubble teas (and for those of you wondering, yes, that really is a toilet - it magically appeared one day outside of our church :oS)

err. i'm not really sure whether that was insightful, but i hope that you at least found some amusement in it, 'cuz we sure did! :oD

... and off to bed i go.


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